czech english

Speed Dreams — advanced racing car simulator
Speed Dreams is a fork of the famous open racing car simulator Torcs, aiming to implement exciting new features, cars, tracks and AI opponents to make a more enjoyable game for the player, as well as constantly improving visual and physics realism.

{PyRoMania} — python robot interface
PyRoMania je v pythonu psaný interface pro různé druhy robotů. Cilem je snadný port existujících robotů a snadá implementace nejrůznějších aplikací.

Darwin2K — Simulation and Automated Synthesis for Robotics
Darwin2K is a free, open-source toolkit for robot simulation and automated design. It features numerous simulation capabilities and an evolutionary algorithm capable of automatically synthesizing and optimizing robot designs to meet task-specific performance objectives. Darwin2K uses Parameterized Module Configuration Graph (PMCG) to represent the robots. As the name implies, robots are composed of modules, each of which may contain parameters describing properties of the module. You can build your own robot or let Darwin2k design one for you from the modules of your choosing for the task at hand.

Tekkotsu — an application framework for robotic platforms
“Tekkotsu” means “iron bones” in Japanese, often used in the context of buildings' structural framework. Similarly, this software package aims to give you a structure on which to build. It handles the low level or routine tasks for you, so that you can concentrate on whatever is unique to your application. Tekkotsu is an object oriented and event passing architecture, similar in design to Java, written in C++ and developed mainly on AIBO (but with portability in mind).

CARMEN — Carnegie Mellon Robot Navigation Toolkit
CARMEN is an open-source collection of software for mobile robot control. CARMEN is modular software designed to provide basic navigation primatives including: base and sensor control, obstacle avoidance, localization, path planning, people-tracking, and mapping.

Robocode — battle tanks simulation in Java, free (no source)
Robocode is a fun programming game that teaches Java by letting you create Java „Robots,” real Java objects that battle out on the screen against other robots. Robocode, with its snazzy graphics and hyper battles, is similar to a combination of Logo and CoreWars. While playing Robocode, you will learn how to write Java code, how to handle events, how to create inner classes, and more.

Player/Stage — device interface and simulator
Player is a language- and platform-independent networked robot/sensor device interface. Stage provides a population of simulated devices with visualization and logging tools. Tested on several OSs, PS aims for POSIX compliance.

MSL — Motion Strategy Library
The Motion Strategy Library (MSL) allows easy development and testing of motion planning algorithms for a wide variety of applications. The software architecture is object-oriented and the general design is highly modular. Presently MSL includes planners based on Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs), Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRMs), and Forward Dynamic Programming (FDP).

YACAS — yet another computer algebra system
YACAS is an easy to use, general purpose Computer Algebra System, a program for symbolic manipulation of mathematical expressions. It uses its own programming language designed for symbolic as well as arbitrary-precision numerical computations. The system has a library of scripts that implement many of the symbolic algebra operations; new algorithms can be easily added to the library.

Crystal Space — 3D engine, game SDK
Crystal Space is a free (LGPL) and portable 3D Game Development Kit written in C++. It supports: true six degrees of freedom, colored lighting, mipmapping, portals, mirrors, alpha transparency, reflective surfaces, 3D sprites (frame based or with skeletal animation), procedural textures, particle systems, halos, volumetric fog, scripting (using Python or other languages), 16-bit and 32-bit display depth, OpenGL and software renderer, hierarchical transformations, fonts, …

LTI-Lib — image processing library, LGPL
LTI-Lib is an object oriented library with algorithms and data structures frequently used in image processing and computer vision. It is being used in many research projects in computer vision dealing with robotics, object recognition and sign language and gesture recognition. The main goal of the LTI-Lib is to provide an object oriented library in C++, which simplifies the code sharing and maintenance, but still provides fast algorithms that can be used in real applications.

ODE — Open Dynamics Engine
ODE is a free, industrial quality library for simulating articulated rigid body dynamics - for example ground vehicles, legged creatures, and moving objects in VR environments. It is fast, flexible, robust and platform independent, with advanced joints, contact with friction, and built-in collision detection.

OGRE — Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
OGRE is a scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine written in C++ designed to make it easier and more intuitive for developers to produce games and demos utilising 3D hardware. The class library abstracts all the details of using the underlying system libraries like Direct3D and OpenGL and provides an interface based on world objects and other intuitive classes.

OpenCV — image processing library, C
The philosophy behind the OpenCV library is to aid commercial uses of computer vision in human-computer interface, robotics, monitoring, biometrics and security by providing a free and open infrastructure where the distributed efforts of the vision community can be consolidated and performance optimized.

RARS — Robot Auto Racing Simulator
RARS is the Robot Auto Racing Simulation, a competition for programmers and an on-going challenge for practicioners of Artificial Intelligence and real-time adaptive optimal control. It consists of a simulation of the physics of cars racing on a track, a graphic display of the race, and a separate control program (robot "driver") for each car. All RARS software and activities are free and open to the public.

TORCS — The Open Racing Car Simulator
TORCS is a 3D racing cars simulator using OpenGL. The goal is to have programmed robots drivers racing against each others. You can also drive yourself with either a wheel or keyboard or mouse. TORCS is available on Linux and Windows. Choose from 17 different cars, 21 tracks, more than 20 opponents to race against. Graphic features lighting, smoke, skidmarks and glowing brake disks. The simulation features a simple damage model, collisions, tire and wheel properties (springs, dampers, stiffness), aerodynamics (ground effect, spoilers) and much more.

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