czech english

Robotour — outdoor delivery challenge
Robotour — outdoor delivery challenge, is originally Czech contest of autonomous robots navigating on paved park roads. Robots carrying payload (five liter barrel) get extra points. The contest is annual on falls. The first year was in 2006 in Prague, park Stromovka. Next contest will be on 16th of September 2017 in Žilina/Slovakia.

Formula-E Roborace — fandorama blog
Závod autonomních elektrických formulí ROBORACE by se měl poprvé konat v sezóně 2016-2017. Deset týmů, každý se dvěma vozy bez řidiče, bude soutěžit v jednohodinovém závodě na závodních okruzích po celou sezónu. Všechny týmy budou mít stejná auta, takže to bude soutěž použitých řídicích AI programů. Jeden soutěžící bude „crowd-sourced community team”, tj. otevřený veřejnosti. Máme se nač tešit … Blog update: 22/5 — Roborace Paris 2017

RoboOrienteering — autonomous robots in Castle Garden
The RoboOrienteering contest first took place in 2010 in Rychnovov nad Kněžnou. This contest is similar to American RoboMagellan, where autonomous robots receive coordinates of destination and waypoints and the task is to find and travel given route. The waypoints can be anywhere including difficult terrain, so the task is not easy. The next RoboOrienteering date is June 7th 2014.

Tour the Stairs — new contest for indoor autonomous robots
Do you want some indoor challenge in the time before Christmas? Can your robot climb the stairs? If yes then you already completed the first step towards participation in our new competition Tour the Stairs! It is going to be part of European Robotics Week in Prague by the end of November.

Robotem rovně — straight robot motion
Contest „robot, go straight” organize Radioklub Písek since 2009. The task seems to be easy at first sight: go with the robot as far as possible on straight park road (Palackého sady, Písek). In reality even this task is relatively difficult. Compete can even small cars (mostly modified toys) without sensors in separate category. We highly recommend this contest to teams who think about participation in Robotour or other outdoor contests.

Na komín — výlet Radioklubu Písek do Košic
Připravil jsem reportáž z přípravy a průběhu soutěže Na komín v Košicích. Pokud vás tato soutěž oslovila a nebyl čas nebo jste si netroufli tak alespoň krátké přiblížení z pohledu účastníka.

Field Robot Event — navigation in maize
Field Robot Event is outdoor contest of autonomous robots. Motivation is from agriculture while the origin is rather academic. The task for robots is to quickly navigate in a real maize field without damage of plants. The contest is international and travel around Europe. This year contest will take place at Bernburg-Strenzfeld, Germany on 17th-19th June 2014.

Istrobot — tracker, micromouse, free style
Istrobot is Slovak contest, which takes place annually in spring (March/April) in Bratislava. There are three categories: tracker (line following with various traps like tunnel, interruption or brick obstacle), micromouse (navigation in large maze) and finally free style for various robot demonstrations. The nearest contest will be on 26th April 2014.

Robot Challenge — contest for all ages
Robot Challenge is Austrian contest of autonomous robots, which takes place annually at the beginning of spring in Vienna. It is possible to compete in may categories from parallel slalom (line followers), puck collect, sumo of various sizes to free style and sprint of humanoid robots. Registration if free of charge and there is no age restriction (to be precise it is 9 to 99 years). The nearest date is 29th-30th March 2014.

Robots Intellect — fandorama reportáž
Soutěž „Robots Intellect” připomíná Robotour smíchaný s RoboOrienteering. Cílem je autonomně najít „pytel zlata” (1kg pytlík s bramborama), nabrat ho a přivézt zpět na start. Letos se koná již třetí ročník a trošku překvapivě se datum konání přesunulo z května na září (navíc kolidovalo s původním termínem Robotour v Polsku). Vítěz získá 9000 EUR. Místo konání: Kaunas, Litva.

International Aerial Robotics Competition — fandorama účast na šesté misi
Pokud si máte představit nejtěžší leteckou soutěž autonomních robotů, pak je to určitě IARC (International Aerial Robotics Competition). Úkol může být i několik let stejný, dokud se některému z týmů nepodaří ho vyřešit. Finanční cena pro vítěze každý rok roste o $10 000. Letos zůstává již čtvrtým rokem nevyřešená mise 6: autonomně vletět oknem do budovy, najít místnost generála, na jeho stole nahradit USB klíčenku vlastní kopií a nepozorovaně opustit budovu. A to vše do deseti minut.

SICK Robot Day — aneb originální prezentace firmy
Německá firma SICK je výrobcem nejrůznějších senzorů a zařízení, ale v robotice je asi nejznámější díky velmi kvalitnímu laserovému dálkoměru. Až teprve nedávno přišla na trh s menším senzorem LMS100, který je vhodný i pro středně velké mobilní roboty, a pokusila se o originální marketing. Uspořádala soutěž autonomních robotů, kde každý nový tým dostane k zapůjčení tento senzor na rok, a pokud se zúčastní, tak ho dostane darem. Nadšené amatéry asi zklame, že tato zápůjčka/dar je pouze pro vysoké školy. Soutěž se koná nepravidelně a zatím proběhla v letech 2007, 2009 a 2010.

ELROB — The European Robot Trial
ELROB is not contest with winners and losers but rather demonstration of robots. It was probably a reaction to successful American Grand Challenge, but the motivations could different. Robots are presented in various categories and they are mostly teleoperated. Moreover there alternate military and civil years. In 2010 it will be military ELROB in Germany/Hammelburg near Wurzburg (17th-20th May 2010).

Eurobot — European Robotics Cup
Eurobot is originally French contest of autonomous robots. The theme and detail rules change every year, but there are several common attributes: the play field is approximately 3x2 meters, two teams compete against each other and the time limit is 90 seconds. There are national and international rounds. The nearest international is on 26th-30th May 2010 in Switzerland/Rapperswil-Jona, and the foregoing Czech round is on 1st May 2010 in Prague.

Grand Challenge — robots in the army
The American DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) announced in 2002 big challenge for ground autonomous vehicles. The goal was to self-navigate hundreds of miles from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. In 2004 nobody made it so the original price (one million dollars) was doubled. In 2007 there was also Urban Challenge (navigation in a small army town), but it was probably the last contest of this series.

Webots — contest of simulated robots on Web
The Swiss company Cyberbotics organize once a while a contest of control programs in its Webots simulator. The last years contests required programming language Java, but the pay-off was a possibility to watch matches on-line. Even this was primarily advertisement, it was possible to solve interesting tasks in this free Webots contest edition.

Rescue — contest of rescue robots
Robocup is well known mostly due to the robotics soccer and medialized goal to beat human world champions to year 2050. There is also a category Rescue with motivation to help in natural disasters. Robots are mostly teleoperated and their task is to find in model collapsed house human victims (figurines). The contest is annual but used to have quite high registration fee (740 EURO in 2003).

Cleaning — contest of autonomous cleaning robots
In 2002 prof. Erwin Prassler and Martin Hagele from Fraunhofer Institut organized international contest of cleaning robots. The contest took place in Switzerland and it was a part of IROS 2002 conference. There was category of window cleaning, floor cleaning and ideas for household robots. Unfortunately this was also the last year because promises of sponsors were not fulfilled.

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