European Robotics Cup
Eurobot is originally French contest of autonomous robots. The theme and detail rules change every year, but there are several common attributes: the play field is approximately 3x2 meters, two teams compete against each other and the time limit is 90 seconds. There are national and international rounds. The nearest international is on 26th-30th May 2010 in Switzerland/Rapperswil-Jona, and the foregoing Czech round is on 1st May 2010 in Prague.
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Eurobot 2011 — Chess'Up
Jako každý rok, i letos je téma jiné, než v předchozích ročnících. Roboti budou
letos "hrát něco jako šachy": Na herní ploše 2,1x3m budou přesouvat žluté
"šachové figurky" na pole své barvy. Kdo bude mít na konci 90sekundového zápasu
na svých polích více figurek a získá tak více bodů, zvítězí.
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Eurobot 2010 — Feed the World
Poté, co se hrálo ragby, kuželky, třídily odpadky, sbíraly vzorky na Marsu a
stavěly chrámy, budou letos roboti pomáhat lidem s úrodou na poli: budou sbírat
ovoce (pomeranče), zeleninu (rajčata) a obilniny (kukuřičné klasy).
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Eurobot 2009 — Temples of Atlantis
Poté, co se hrálo rugby, kuželky, třídily odpadky a sbíraly vzorky na Marsu,
budeme letos cestovat časem zpět do dob bájné Atlantidy. Naši roboti se stanou
staviteli a pomohou Atlantiďanům vystavět nádherné chrámy. Podobně jako mnohé
jiné staré chrámy, i ty atlantské jsou postaveny ze sloupů a trámků (kladí
neboli překladů - vodorovných článků nesených sloupy). Navíc, aby jejich chrámy
byly blíže k božstvu, lidé v Atlantidě stavěli své chrámy na nejvyšších kopcích
svého kontinentu a stejně tak i roboti se budou snažit postavit chrám na
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Eurobot 2008 — Mission to Mars
Eurobot je amatérská robotická soutěž pro týmy mladých lidí z celého světa,
kteří jsou sdružení buď ve studentských projektech, nezávislých klubech nebo
výukových projektech. Letos budou roboti hledat známky života na Marsu. Roboti
mohou nalézt dva druhy geologických vzorků, které by mohly obsahovat život.
Tyto vzorky jsou reprezentovány barevnými míčky. Vzorky je potřeba udržet v co
nejlepším stavu a dopravit na Zemi…
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Eurobot 2007 — Robot Recycling Rally
Robot Recycling Rally is the theme of the international
Eurobot 2007 competition. The task of autonomous robots
is to sort waste in correct bins. The international finale is going to be in
Catania (Sicilia, Italy) during 17th-20th May 2007. The
Czech National Cup will be on 20th and 21th
April 2007. The Cup is open for foreign teams. Also this year we sincerely
invite all general public.
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Eurobot 2006 — Funny Golf
Funny Golf is the theme of the international Eurobot 2006 competition. The
task of autonomous robots is to place as many white balls as possible into the
right holes, black balls can be used to block opponents holes. The
international finale is going to be in Catania (Sicilia, Italy) during 1st-4th
June 2006. The Czech National Cup will be on 12th and 13th May 2006. The Cup
is open for foreign teams. Also this year we sincerely invite all general
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Eurobot 2005 — Bowling
Bowling is the theme for the next year of Eurobot. The year 2005 brings
some innovations. Among them the most important is probably the place of the
international finale. For the first time it is going to be outside of France,
in Switzerland, Yverdon Les Bains. The date of the finale is set to 19th
through 22nd of May 2005. There is also going to be a second Czech Eurobot Cup
during the Robotic Day planned for 23rd of April 2005.
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Eurobot 2004 — coconut rugby
Eurobot is an international competition organised by Planete Sciences Czech
National Cup was held on the April 24th in Prague. The finals were a month
later (from 21st to 23rd May) in France in a small town La-Ferté Bernard. Three
czech teams participated, one of them finishing at a 4th place. Note, that the
rules are different every year so it is quite difficult to create new
strategies and robots satisfying new restrictions.
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Eurobot 2003 — Heads or Tails
The goal of the competing robots is to flip as many pucks as possible the
correct side up within 90 seconds. The playing field is traditionally 2.1x3m,
this time with a checkerboard pattern. The robots no longer start from
dedicated areas at the ends of the playing fields – instead they start in
opposing corners. The robots can build towers of pucks, which score more
points. Above each side of the field there are two special pucks painted from
both sides with the same color. These can be shot down by table tennis balls.
The competition will take place in La-Ferté Bernard, France from 30th of May to
1st of June.
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Eurobot 2002 — The Flying Billards
On a flat playing field, 8 red balls and 4 black balls are randomly placed,
complying to a central symmetry. Each robot starts from one end of the playing
field and has to put the black balls in the pockets at its own side and the red
ones at the opposite side. After 1 minute 30s, the points are counted. The 5th
annual contest took place on May 10-12, 2002, in La-Ferté Bernard, France.
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Eurobot 2001 — The Space Odyssey
Visitors from a faraway galaxy, Science and Technology have discovered a new
star around which six planets orbit. This is a great opportunity for them to
explore these new worlds. But Science and Technology disagree about how to
explore them. Therefore, they make a deal – whoever conquers the most
celestial bodies with its flags flying as high possible in 1 minute 30 seconds
will have the right to impose its exploration method! The 4th annual contest
took place on May 25-27, 2001, in La-Ferté Bernard, France. We were there with
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