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the homepage of Czech roboteers

Our goal is to develop comprehensive site about robotics for the widest audience. It should cover both hardware (construction of physical devices) and software (control and algorithms).

There are several top level sections. In section articles you can find stories about hard gained experience and interesting topics from the world of robotics. If you are interested rather in complete robots (mostly Czech origin) then have a look at robots section. Various kinds of competitions are perfect motivation for our work. It is also the best way to start with robotics. The competitions section is currently the largest section of our site. In addition to rules, it contains notes about preparation and participation of both contestants and visitors. Recently we have started new section guide in the hopes of creating the ABC of mobile robotics (sorry, it is so far mostly in Czech).

If you have built a robot, have a product we could use, or have some interesting experiences with robots that you would want to share do not hesitate to contact us. We are always looking for new and/or interesting products for our new projects. Our mission statement is to unite as many roboteers as possible in a community based on helpfulness, knowledge sharing and mutual support.

News box you see on the left side can also show all the great links you have found. Just let us know.

Featured Content

OSGAR — Open Source Garden Autonomous Robot
OSGAR is a long term project which will probably incorporate more than one robotic platform in the future. The project started in 2014 when we decided to modify school garden tractor John Deere X300R into autonomous robot. The project is carried on in cooperation with the Czech University of Life Science Prague. Blog update: 16/5 — Robotem rovně and garden tests

Robotour 2017 — autonomous and service zones
The 12th year of Robotour contest for autonomous outdoor robots will take place in Slovakia/Žilina. There will be several changes in the rules this year: the concurrent start of all robots is no longer required and new autonomous and service areas are introduced. When and where? Žilina, 16th September 2017.

SICK Robot Day 2016 — the die is cast
Another „SICK Robot Day” is over. This time two robots had to place cubes in the field loaded with RFID chips in 5x5 meter bit „chess” area. Once the cubes were placed then they become obstacle and future collisions were penalized. So how it went?

Results — winner of ultra-wet Robotour is Istrobotics!
The 11th year of Robotour contest was the wettest. It rained permanently all day. This was not only challenge for the sensors and electronics, but also for the teams themselves. Never the less there were 12 robots on the start accepting the challenge in heavy rain (and wind too). Istrobotics with more than 600 points was the clear winner …

Introduction of teams — Raptors, Quadrons, WallE, ...
There are 14 teams registered for Robotour 2016 in Deggendorf Germany. That is nice start of the second contest decade . Also note, that Robotour is no longer Czech domain — there are 5 teams from Germany, only 4 teams from Czech republic, 2 from Poland, 2 from Slovakia and 1 from Switzerland. In particular I am pleased that there are 5 new teams and even old teams upgraded their robots, sensors, software …

Robotour 2016 — automatic loading and unloading
The 11th year of Robotour contest of autonomous outdoor robots will take place in Germany — the last unvisited neighbour of the origin country. New are extra bonus points for automatic payload loading at start position and unloading at goal position. Moreover some contestants could be excited about lower payload requirements when automatic loading is used. Note, that this is an optional feature and thus robots from previous years can be used without any modification. The contest will take place on 17th September 2016 in Deggendorf as part of „Czech-Bavarian week”.

Tour the Stairs 2015 — up and down
The second year of the contest „Tour the Stairs” will take place on Saturday 28th November 2015. The robots could climb the stairs up and down this year to make it more interesting for last year participants. The location is the same: NTK Galery in Prague, Dejvice. UPDATE: 7/1 — minivideo

Results — winner of anniversary Robotour is Kamaro Engineering!
The 10th year of Robotour contest, which took place in Písek, had several specials. There were several runs directly in the city, i.e. not only park roads. And the biggest surprise was victory of new German team from Karlsruhe!

Introduction of teams — two German and two Slovak teams (and 5 Czech)
Welcome new team KaMaRo Engineering (known from Field Robot Event), new machines (ARBot, JECC) and all stayers . When and where you could see the robots? 5th September 2015, Písek city center, Czech Republic. Concurent starts of all robots at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm.

Robotour 2015 — the best at the end
This year is already 10th anniversary (!) of Robotour contest. We decided to organize it in Písek this time. Radioklub Písek opens the outdoor robotic season with „Robotem rovně” and this year it will also close with „Robotour”. The contest will be in parallel with „Beer celebrations”. Exact place in Písek will be specified later. And the date is 5th September 2015. (Update: location details)

Husky — experiments with commercial platform
Husky is commercial platform manufactured by Clearpath Robotics. It is planned to be an active helper on a small farm, where it will cut the grass near electric fence and assist with material handling. Blog update: 3/6 —

Katarina — Parrot drone Bebop
There is another toy from Parrot — drone called Bebop. My task is to prepare simple tracking of Parrot Hat (old AR Drone 2 could do that, so why not the follower?). Bebop is more professional at first sight: extra battery is part of the basic package, spare propellers, GPS, full HD camera, 8 time more powerful computer, 14 megapixels Fisheye camera with user selectable ROI … so I am quite curious how it will work from Python . Blog update: 30/4 — Paparazzi?!

AppleBot — robot for harvesting apples
Two weeks ago a UK company contacted CZU regarding Robotic arm for apple harvesting. The motivation is that to find cheap work labor for picking apples is getting harder and harder, so the company would like to buy or develop a technology capable of autonomous apple picking. In this article you can find our development blog. Blog update: 30/1 — The Others (part1)

Jessica — indoor minidrone from Parrot
Parrot minidrone (Rolling Spider) is my current toy. The primary motivation is preparation of a demo for the contest of autonomous robots Tour the Stairs (part of robotic festival at the end of November in Prague). Anybody interested in decoding communication before SDK will be freely available? Blog update: 4/12 — Parrot released ARDroneSDK3!

Results — The Robotour 2014 winner is from Slovakia
So how was Robotour, the ninth year of outdoor contest of autonomous robots? I would almost introduce a new motto: „if you would like to checkout your robot, take it to the Robotour!”, because this year it was really hard, especially the start at 2pm … but I am now jumping ahead.

Introduction of teams — 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ...
Nice! Fibonacci would be happy — Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. There are 12 teams registered in total. The distribution is, when compared to previous years, more international this time . So when and where you can see the teams to compete? 20th September 2014, Borský park, Plzeň/Czech Republic. Concurent starts of all robots at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm.

Robot Challenge 2014 — let's beat the human race in AirRace!
Robot Challenge is well established competition with many categories and many participating robots. One of them is flying 8-figures in net protected area — AirRace. There used to be also a semi-autonomous category for the first two years, where the best competitor Flying Dutchman reached 26 rounds. It is time to beat his score with autonomous drone now! Blog update: 11/4 — Conclusion

Field Robot 2013 — 11th year, this time in Prague!
The contest Field Robot Event 2013 will take place in Prague/Czech Republic for the first time. The main organizer will be Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (ČZU). The contest dates are 27th-29th June 2013, and the place will be very close to university grounds, i.e. Kamycka 129, Prague 6 - Suchdol. Registration extended until May 15th!

Robotour 2013 — the journey there and back again
The eight year of contest of autonomous robots will travel to Poland/Lodz and it will take place on 21st of September 2013 (!date change!). The basic rules remain the same. The changes are only in extension of time limit to 1 hour and if the robot reaches the goal, which is something nobody achieved yet, then after signal it can get extra points for returning back to the start.

Robotem rovně 2010 — An outdoor competition of autonomous robots in Písek
The second year of "robotem rovně" (freely translated as go straightforward with robots) took part on May 22nd 2010 in Palackého sady, Písek. The event is organized by Radioklub Písek, aiming to increase robotics awareness in general public and to attract youth to technology. Entrants compete in two categories: robots and cars (robots without any sensors). The goal is to get as far as you can on a straight path, but it’s not nearly as easy to do, as it appears to be.

PocketBot — a matchbox-sized line following robot
PocketBot project consists of three parts. The key part of the project is the robot itself – a tiny line following vehicle of a matchbox size. Furthermore, the robot is supported with an USB communication device and with a PC control application. Altogether, these three parts form a complex solution to the line following issue. Each part of the project will be described in this article.

Brimstone — my first steps in the world of robotics
I took park in the national finals of Science Expo AMAVET, where I reached the fifth rank and therefore I could participate on the international exhibition in Tunis. Moreover, I won the High school science and technology project contest in branch of electronics. On these pages, I would like to introduce my robot…

The contest Robot Go Straight 2017 will take place on Saturday May 13th 2017 in Písek (registration deadline is April 15th 2017).
Valeo organizes on 21st and 22nd April 2017 Smart Cars Day on their testing polygon in Milovice airport
The 5th year of robot festival will take place on 24th-26th October 2016 in NTK in Praha
Contest Robotex will take place on 2nd-4th December 2016 in Tallin/Estonia (registration deadline is 1st Nov)
The contest Robot Go Straight 2016 will take place on Saturday May 14th 2016 in Písek (registration deadline is April 15th 2016).
Robotic Day 2015 will take place in Prague on June 13-14 2015.
Mobile Robots Tournament Robomaticon 2015 will take place in Warsaw, Poland on 7th of March 2015
Would you like to take your robot on 3rd-4th October 2014 to Slovakia to climb the chimney?! Registration ends in August!
Google had completed the acquisition of Boston Dynamics — see The New York Times.