czech english

Robotour 2015

the best at the end

This year is already 10th anniversary (!) of Robotour contest. We decided to organize it in Písek this time. Radioklub Písek opens the outdoor robotic season with „Robotem rovně” and this year it will also close with „Robotour”. The contest will be in parallel with „Beer celebrations”. Exact place in Písek will be specified later. And the date is 5th September 2015. (Update: location details)

Results — winner of anniversary Robotour is Kamaro Engineering!
The 10th year of Robotour contest, which took place in Písek, had several specials. There were several runs directly in the city, i.e. not only park roads. And the biggest surprise was victory of new German team from Karlsruhe!

Registration — forms and requirements
The registration for Robotour 2015 will be the same as previous year. Besides a short hardware/software description we require also a YouTube video, that shows that your robot is able to homologate. The registration dead-line is 31th of July 2015.

Introduction of teams — two German and two Slovak teams (and 5 Czech)
Welcome new team KaMaRo Engineering (known from Field Robot Event), new machines (ARBot, JECC) and all stayers . When and where you could see the robots? 5th September 2015, Písek city center, Czech Republic. Concurent starts of all robots at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm.


The rules for ground vehicles are the same as previous year and are available in in PDF format in English and in Czech.
There is only one new rule regarding order at the start:
  • the robot with the highest score starts from the last position

Photo of potential roads/crossings


The contest will take place at different places in Pisek. The bounding box is minlat='49.304811' minlon='14.1398335' maxlat='49.3107989' maxlon='14.1518927' The first start and homologation place will be near street "U Vystaviste" at 49.308258, 14.143379 (map).

If you would like to somehow support this contest or you have some comments/question, please use our standard contact form.

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