Robotour 2007
payload delivery, robot cooperation
The second year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held again in park Stromovka, Prague. The task for year 2007 is payload delivery. A new feature this year is the possibility of robot cooperation. Each team can deploy several (up to 3) machines.
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Pravidla — převoz nákladu, kooperace robotů
The second year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held again
in park Stromovka, Prague. The task for year 2007 is payload delivery. A new
feature this year is the possibility of robot cooperation. Each team can deploy
several (up to 3) machines.
Here you can find resources (data, code examples, logs, etc.) for Robotour 2007
contest …
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Teams Introduction — how many teams/robots are expected?
Robotour 2007 contest is getting closer (Saturday, September 22nd 2007 (10-17h),
park Stromovka near Planetarium Praha building) so it is almost time to make
some small teams overview. The teams are already for months preparing their
robots for the contest. As you will see the spectrum of this year robots is
quite wide: from small RC controlled cars to expensive commercial robots like
Pioneer3. Currently there are 15 teams registered.
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Results — Robohemia is winner of Robotour 2007 contest!
This year's presence was much better than last year. There were fifteen teams
registered, come twelve, and almost all homologate. Moreover Bender I Team,
winner of the last year contest, arrived and participated too. Shortly there
were many interesting things to see. So how was it in detail?
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Sborník Robotour 2007 — přístupy v kostce
Soutěž Robotour 2007 už skončila, ale bylo by škoda nezanechat nějaký souhrnný
dokument, jak to všechno bylo, co fungovalo, co ne… Z tohoto důvodu se
účastníci dohodli na vzniku sborníku, který je k dispozici ve dvou podobách:
jednak jako články zde na webu a dále jako PDFko volně ke stažení a
tisku. Přejeme pěkné počtení.
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