czech english

Robotour 2014

the convoy security drones

The Beer is a precious article. There will be a convoy of small autonomous robots, as previous years, but this time they will get air force support. More over Robotour travels to Pilsen/Czech Republic (Borsky Park), origin of Pilsen Urqele. When? 20th Semptember 2014. Concurent starts of all robots at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm.

Results — The Robotour 2014 winner is from Slovakia
So how was Robotour, the ninth year of outdoor contest of autonomous robots? I would almost introduce a new motto: „if you would like to checkout your robot, take it to the Robotour!”, because this year it was really hard, especially the start at 2pm … but I am now jumping ahead.

Resources — data, park pictures, ...
Here you can find some boasic resources: reference to OpenStreetMap for robot map definition and some pictures of road navigation challenges…

Introduction of teams — 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 ...
Nice! Fibonacci would be happy — Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic. There are 12 teams registered in total. The distribution is, when compared to previous years, more international this time . So when and where you can see the teams to compete? 20th September 2014, Borský park, Plzeň/Czech Republic. Concurent starts of all robots at 10am, 11am, 2pm and 3pm.

Registration — forms and requirements
The registration for Robotour 2014 will be the same as previous year. Besides a short hardware/software description we require also a YouTube video, that shows that your robot is able to homologate. The registration dead-line is 31th of July 2014.


The rules for ground vehicles are the same as previous year and are available in in PDF format in English and in Czech.

Autonomous drones

Autonomous flying machines are allowed now. The rules are almost the same as for the ground vehicles except for the beer barrel. On the other hand, there are some extra safety requirements:
  • the propellers have to be protected by a safety hull
  • the machine has to have „fail safe” mechanism, which automatically stops propellers when in contact with an object
  • the flying corridor is 1-2m above the ground
Here are some common points with the ground vehicles:
  • the robot must be fully autonomous
  • it has to pass homologation
  • Emergency Stop (in this case remote)
  • concurrent start
  • speed limit 2.5m/s
  • necesity to detect road and avoid obstacles
  • OSM map
The computation power can be external (for the first couple of years). There can be at most one computer, which is carried by the team member following the drone.
The drones are evaluated together with ground vehicles.
If you have any question do not hesitate to contact us (contact form).



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