czech english

Robotour 2010

concurent start, navigation to destination

Fifth year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held on 18th September 2010. It will take place in Slovakia in one of the preselected parks in Bratislava. In contrast to previous years robots will get only map and coordinates of destination. Note, that robots will not know their exact starting position and interaction with operator will be reduced to entering destination. Robot successfully solving this task should be able to demonstrate its navigation in any park with corresponding map.

Robotour 2010 results — the winner is Eduro Team from Czech Republic
The competition Robotour 2010 is over. There were 15 actively competing teams, so you could see parallel start of all 15 robots at the same time. It was very demanding and exhausting. The winner is Eduro Team, the second place got team Roboauto Quido and the third place was shared by Tatran Team Trenčín and Radioklub Písek.

I letos se pokusíme o „živé vysílání” s online sledováním robotů. Zatím je situace trošku nejistá, zda budou k dispozici SIM karty s datovým roamingem pro Slovensko, ale uvidíme. Při nejhorším VTU10 krabičky mohou fungovat i jako „offline tracker” a budou použity jako reference.

Introduction of teams — Robotour first time in ,,foreign country''
This year Robotour is organized outside Czech Republic for the first time. This fact is noticeable a bit on origin of teams: there are 6 local (Slovak) teams, 12 Czech teams and 1 Italian team. If you are interested to see simultaneous start from one place of almost twenty fully autonomous robots, do not hesitate and come to Botanic garden in Bratislava. And in case of machines failure the beautiful surroundings will surely compensate it …

FAQ — frequently asked questions
The Robotour 2010 contest registration dead-line is very soon (31st of July 2010), so we will try to answer some question which appeared during the year…

Rules — concurent start, navigation to destination
Fifth year of this autonomous outdoor robot contest will be held on 18th September 2010. It will take place in Slovakia in one of the preselected parks in Bratislava. In contrast to previous years robots will get only map and coordinates of destination. Note, that robots will not know their exact starting position and interaction with operator will be reduced to entering destination. Robot successfully solving this task should be able to demonstrate its navigation in any park with corresponding map.

Resources — data, code samples, logs...
Here you can find resources (data, code examples, logs, etc.) for Robotour 2010 contest …

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