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Teams Introduction

how many teams/robots are expected?

Robotour 2007 contest is getting closer (Saturday, September 22nd 2007 (10-17h), park Stromovka near Planetarium Praha building) so it is almost time to make some small teams overview. The teams are already for months preparing their robots for the contest. As you will see the spectrum of this year robots is quite wide: from small RC controlled cars to expensive commercial robots like Pioneer3. Currently there are 15 teams registered.

Registered teams (15)

Bender II Team

Bender II Team was put together from 2nd year VUT FSI Brno students of bachelor study, department of mechatronics. The team works on new platform Bender II under supervision of Bender Team, last year winner.

Two-persons team prepares robot (in English Number 5, i.e. follower of famous robot from the film Short Circuits). This is a new team, and currently we are still missing even basic info.


FoG team we know from last year already. That time it had different name: GL-IMR, RVM, or maybe G-bots from Eurobot contest. This group of people comes from Gerstner Laboratory — Intelligent and Mobile Robotics Group, Prague. They will very probably use the same robot as last year — commercial platform Pioneer3. This year team members are: Jan Faigl, Jan Chudoba, Tomáš Krajník, Karel Košnar, Jan Sova, Ondřej Fišer.


Istrobotics is first foreign team, from Slovakia. The leader Pavol Boško is the same as last year, so we will see how much progress was done on their children pedal car GO-KART. According to Pavol the vehicle is able to carry 5l barrel with beer. He wrote: „We plan to finish implementation of our software with the little car and fulfill our last year resolution and finally at least homologate.”


Logio starts on the contest for the first time. There are three students from MFF UK Praha. They will compete with partially modified robot, which you could see for the first time on Eurobot 2007 contest.


Nora is next, probably highly promising, new team from Prague. It will compete with six-wheeled robot, developed years ago for some other purposes. What is missing is the autonomous control system (original application was manipulator), so we will see what authors manage to complete in this short remaining time. If you are interested what Nora means, then you will find out that it is not girl's name of abbreviation of New Outdoor Robot Adventure, or something like that, but Czech name for underground hole/den, where their robots come to live .


Propeler-team we know from last year — students of Mendel High School Opava very surprised with their original robot construction and reached 2nd place. Keep fingers crossed for this year. Tomáš Kotula wrote: „... we tentatively expect to participate again. The members as well as the team name remains the same. This year we want to build a new robot, so far only one piece, but more robust and with better algorithms and equipment. I would really like to try GPS navigation...”

Short Circuits

Last year you could see hovercraft of Jiří Iša, which was able to move by itself, but at the end did not compete on the trail. This year the team grows, actually it is reunion of former Eurobot Short Circuits teams, so we will see how they manage to prepare their modified RC car of Hammer.


The team of Martin Locker from Rychnov nad Kněžnou is famous from many contests, including last year Robotour. Martin wrote: ,, well I surely plan to participate on Robotour 2007, although it will be probably very similar approach as last year. I hope, that at least I manage to prepare new bogie, but the strategy will be the same.'' For those who have not seen the contest last year just note, that R-team finished on 4th place and their robot used odometry and compass only. The robot was with these very limited sensors able to complete with funny jumping about 70m of the trail.

Red Team Brno

This is new team from VUT Brno (actually there were three teams from the same university, but one team decided to postpone their participation to next year). This team will compete with modified children cart PetPerego.


Team Robohemia is based on students from VUT Brno and we could already see it last year. They came with a very big robot UTAR. Unfortunately there were some hardware problems so robot did not compete. We will see how it will work this year with UTARII platform. team

This is a new team from ZČU Plzeň. According to their information based on the last e-mail, it looks like that they will come with a little giant: „We will compete with a single robot. Our goal was to build a mobot which will not only navigate on given trail but will have sufficient bearing capacity and be also able to be used in real applications. Yours etalon - a small barrel of beer - should be a simple task, because the robot should be able to handle also real 60 kilos barrel of beer ......”


Robozor is mostly known as organizer of MiniSumo contest (you could see it every year as a part of Robotic Day with Eurobot contest, or in Slovakia on Istrobot contest). This year group from České Budějovice (Jakub a Martin Kakona) prepares outdoor robot. Jakub wrote: ,, Yes, the core of our team is based on Robozor members. There is new team member Vlastimil Slinták from Uherské Hradiště who is currently the leader programmer. Our experience from Sumo and Istrobot is mainly hardware so up to now we basically did not need an operating system on the robot, … thus our main worries are the software. Bogie is almost done, and there is only some tuning needed for the sensor configuration and motor controller…''


A small compact robot created by RobSys team we could see last year already. This was one of few robots also trying to carry payload. Jan Roubíček wrote: „We will surely participate in Robotour 2007 with our Beerbot (Explorer). The team and name are the same as last year. We hope everything will go fine, we finish it in time, and we come with robots family (Explorer and two its brothers)”. During testing on 19-8-2007 their robot moved nicely, no troubles with the payload — the remaining question is if the machine will manage autonomous driving.

URPI FEI STU Bratislava

New Slovak team from Institute of control and industrial informatics at FEI STU Bratislava comes with robot MRVK-01. Marian Klucik wrote about their robot: „MRVK-01 is four-wheel mobile robot with differential control. There is 2-steps transmission. Robot has sonars, laser scanner, color camera, GPS module and gyroscope. There is possibility to remotely control robot via WiFi network. Robot was made by ZTS VVU Kosice, without any software, which was actually original order...”

More photos: Red Team Brno

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