mobile robotic platform for education
Eduro is a modular mid-size mobile robotic platform suitable for high school and university classes as well as for serious robotics research. In this article we describe in more detail basic configuration with two driven wheels and one caster wheel. This model was already demonstrated on several competitions (Eurobot, RobotChallenge and Robotour).
Keywords: education robot, mobile platform, CANopen
Eduro is a modular mid-size mobile robotic platform suitable for high school
and university classes as well as for serious robotics research. In this paper
we describe in more detail basic configuration with two driven wheels and one
caster wheel. This model was already demonstrated on several competitions
(Eurobot, RobotChallenge and Robotour). The system is very durable due to used
gearless SMAC drives. Integrated motor controllers and other sensors and
actuators communicate via CAN bus. As communication protocol industrial
standard CANopen is used for maximum compatibility with third-party modules.
Eduro comes with on board x86 computer with low power consumption. It runs
embedded real-time extension of linux, provides software interface to CAN
network and thanks to 3 Ethernet connectors, it allows integration of other
sensors like IP camera or SICK laser range-finder. USB port and wifi access
then provide simple wireless control via joystick or remote computer. The robot
can drive with speed up to 2.5m/s and can perform for several hours without
need of battery charge.
The first Eduro prototype was created in 2007 for competitive tendering for
robots used for education on Charles University. The goal was to present
construction kit similar to Lego Mindstorm, where the students could create
various robotics platforms. Instead of plastics bricks a durable aluminium
profiles were used.
The original platform was later slightly modified for contest Eurobot 2008 and
collected tests with students competitiors. The test and presentation was
sucessful and compact three-wheel Eduro with minor changes related to Eurobot
theme participated also to Eurobot 2009 and Eurobot 2010.
Besides a mid size indoor robot there was a demand for larger outdoor platform.
In 2009 were first test of Eduro Maxi, 3-weel robot with larger inflatable
wheels. In operation it was first presented on robotics contest "Robotem rovne"
in Pisek, May 2010.
The concept is construction kit on all levels: mechanical, electronical and
The mechanical construction is based on standard aluminium profiles plus
aluminium plates for covering. The recommended set of wheels then differs in
size as types from hard rubber for indoor contest to soft inflatable wheels for
outdoor navigation.
The base can quite vary as can be demonstrated on robotics advertisement holder
used on CeBIT 2008 and CeBIT 2009. Over the years it looks that there should be
some fixed set of tested bases and the variability can be in rather
To reach maximal level configurability a CAN bus with CAN-Open protocol was
used. CAN is a standard in automotive industry and various modules can be
attached even when the system is powered and running.
Related Articles
Field Robot Event
SICK Robot Day
Robotem Rovně
2010, 2011
Robot Challenge
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