OSGAR is a long term project which will probably incorporate more than one
robotic platform in the future. The project started in 2014 when we decided to
modify school garden tractor John Deere X300R into autonomous robot. The
project is carried on in cooperation with the Czech University of Life Science
Prague. Blog update: 16/5 — Robotem rovně and garden tests
The idea is relatively old — our garden desires mowing every second week and I
would not mind some „helper”. Yes, in meantime autonomous lawn mowers made
serious advance, but it is not only our garden and there are much larger grass
areas which require regular maintenance (castle gardens for example ).
In 2014 we also started school project, where self-driving tractor should cut
grass and regularly monitor trees in a orchard. You could probably use GPS for
basic navigation, but there are many obstacles (trees), which have to be
avoided. You would need sensors for this task and if you have them then you can
use them also for navigation.
This „orchard task” is similar to navigation in the row of maize field in
Field Robot Event contest. We already got some
experience there (and prices) with our robot Eduro. The
very first experiment was to take Eduro, mount it on the top of the tractor
and manually drive it through orchard to collect some data .
14th May, 2016 — Contest „Robot, go straight!”
The Czech season of outdoor competitions for autonomous robots begins in May in
Písek. It is called Robot, go straight!
(in Czech „Robotem rovně”) and autonomous robots should only navigate
straight on paved road in central park. The track is 314m long and only small
electrical vehicles are allowed.
In 2015 we asked organizers if it would be possible to make an exception so
that we could participate with our modified garden tractor John Deere X300R.
The permission was granted but we did not use it — the tractor was not
ready yet.
In 2016 it looked much more promising because the school tractor was supposed
to be at exhibition in Brno, one month before the contest. But there were
problems with hydraulics components and this exhibition program had to be
But we wanted to push the project forward! We joked with Standa and Tomáš, that
we can short safety switch under the seat and use it as emergency stop and then
just put brick on the gas pedal and version 0 is ready. Well, what I
did not know was that this „joke” will turn true and in reality we will need
it for homologation and the first run:
The contest is great. It runs all day (there are four runs), so we had enough
time to continue to work on the robot. In the second run the robot was already
driven by Python code and pedal was controlled via CAN bus. We even collected
several points and „good bye” joke was in the 4th run, when the tractor run
out of gas [we are so used to regularly check the battery status, but not
the gas — new experience].
The contest „Robotem rovně” was great, because it got us started. Finally!
But how to proceed? We were quite exhausted from the contest so we took a break
next Tuesday (our group meets up once a week). And then I realized that
contests are the only way how to push out project further, i.e. complete
steering mechanism. The only related contest (as far as I know) was
RoboOrienteering, but the dead-line was
deadly. We had to finish the robot in two weeks (mainly Tomáš and Standa). The
deal was set that if I can write navigation software in two weeks they will
have the hardware ready. And so we fight again!
The task for RoboOrienteering 2016 was to navigate to differently evaluated
orange cones (their positions are known few minutes before the start — the
teams receives USB disk with configuration text file), and drop there golf
balls. There are two radii: 2.5m for double and 5m for single score.
Version 0 — the simplest thing which can possibly work — was here much
harder. If nothing else to score a single point it was necessary to have
integrated GPS, functional ball dispenser, and also robot had to be able to
avoid collision with obstacle (part of homologation).
My part was relatively easy — if you do not have any feedback data (encoders
or position of steering wheel) then your program has to be very simple. My
primary goal was to integrate new sensor
Velodyne VLP-16, so the first tests
were simple collision detection and STOP, something we wanted to have already
in Písek.
You can have a look at video from the first
outdoor test. It was not perfect. You can see „gaps” which corresponds to
dropped UDP packets, and at one point you can see tractor jumping back when
obstacle was detected. There was a non-trivial lag between reality and
processed data.
Yes, there was a bug in (my) software. After the program start it was waiting
for start button. The Velodyne socket was already opened but I started to read
it after button was in on position … well, fixed, no so many things damaged,
ready for competition.
The tractor first autonomously steered just few hours before the contest (we
arrived in Rychnov at 1am and started testing at 5am in the parking lot. So far
so good. Unfortunately none of us is expert in hydraulics and we did not know
that there is too much pressure in the system. It broke during homologation (it
was bit uphill so I had to increase the gas) — but over the day Standa with
colleagues somehow magically managed to fix it even without proper tools. [now
it is revised and working fine]
Standa sent me link to very nice descriptive video how transmission works in
our John Deere tractor:
16th May, 2017 — „Robotem rovně” (again) and the first garden test
Last weekend we participated in contest
Robot go straight! in Písek. It was
primarily show how far we moved since the last year (brick on pedal to pass
homologation). The sensor set was: odometry (encoders on front wheels with
position angle of the left wheel), GPS used for reference, laser scanner SICK
LMS100 and dual IP camera with wide angle lenses. For the first two runs we
basically tuned the steering and collected real data of the environment. In
the afternoon we added simple correction from camera data to avoid green areas
(yes, this is a bit strange for lawn mower ).
The second day we tested our newly developed „cones algorithm” in the garden.
For version 0 it is sufficient to prove that we can repeat given pattern 10
times (or better infinite times, but we do not want to wait so long). You can
see it on the video bellow. We tried also to turn the cutting mechanism on,
but surprise surprise John Deere turns it off whenever the mower is in backward
motion. So we switched to a bit boring oval and did some experiments in higher
Please forgive me the quality of the video — it is taken by digital camera 12
years old (which is still good for pictures but not for videos).
Pošlete email redakci. Všechny materiály, které máme k dispozici, jsou již součástí článku, na který reagujete (tj. pokud tam tedy není např. plánek na stavbu, je to proto, že nic takového nemáme).
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