some basic information and photos
Ester is so far the most successful reincarnation of its older sisters ( Barbora, Cecilka and Dana). It is based on the same bogie thus you'll find the same BLDC motors (each with 600W), motherboard with AMD K6 500MHz, 128MB RAM and 128MB CompactFlash, video input, 100Mb Ethernet and of course – Linux. The navigation is based a combination of odometry and color of the floor under the robot mixed together by Monte Carlo Localization. Camera is used to search for the balls.
General view |
Botttom view |
Three czech robots |
Front view |
On start |
Front view again |
Match close-up |
Sirael Team from the back |
Match close-up |
Match close-up |
Match close-up |
Ester on the Czech flag |
Testing on the field |
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