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Field Robot 2010

maize silver travels to Czech Republic

This year cooperation with Czech University of Life Sciences Prague was surely worth it. Overall second place for Eduro Team and four maize „cups” shared together with another Czech team Cogito MART are hopefully self-explaining . What hardware, software and strategy we used this year, you can learn from this article …

We attended Field Robot Event 2010 with two teams: Eduro Team, with patronage of Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Department of Agricultural Machines and Cogito MART in cooperation of Mathematic-physics faculty Charles University, department of software engineering and Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Department of Agricultural Machines. At first it is easier to "pull the same end of the rope'' and them we could better take advantage of various resources like maize test filed or micro-bus for traveling. Finally there is proved rivality, which drives the development of both teams forward. In reality were both teams quite interconnected and for example sprayer was shared.
Eduro Team FRE2010
Milan Kroulík — the boss, overall support, preparation of test maize filed, sprayer
Jan Roubíček — mechanics
Tomáš Roubíček — electronics
Martin Dlouhý — software
Cogito MART
Jiří Iša — software and hardware
Stanislav Petrásek — maintenance, support


The teams competed in five categories where most of them were the same as last year:

Basic Task

The first task was to systematically travel through rows of maize. The robot had to be fully autonomous and had to correctly turn at the end of row into the next one. The points were gained for distance traveled (1 meter = 1 point) in given time limit three minutes. For every damaged plant there was 1 point penalty, for touch of operator 5 points and for help to turn the robot at the end of row 2 points. The rows were deliberately slightly bended and the accent was put on precision and speed. Turning at the end of row was not that important in this task.

Advanced Task

For the second task team received code of the route (this year it was 2R-1L-2R-3L-4L-0(U-Turn)-2R-4R-1L) and robot had to follow this pattern for entering rows, i.e. first turn to second right, then first left, then second right again, … Here the penalty for turning the robot at the end of row was quite high (8 points). But with this exception the rest scoring scheme was the same as in the first task.

Professional Task

This task was strangely split into two subtasks: in the first one we were supposed to demonstrate how our spraying device works and in the second one ability to detect weed. The weed was simulated by artificial daisy flowers, a plastic square of approx. size 7x7cm. Unfortunately the rules were a little bit confusing and it was not clear that __only__ squares with white flowers should be sprayed.

Cooperative Challenge

Here the task was to demonstrate cooperation of more robots. The result of evaluating committee was then multiplied by factor how far the teams are: the same school 1x, the same country 1.5x and different countries 2x.


The last task was freestyle, where robots were supposed to show anything at least partially related to agriculture. The scoring was completely in hand of the committee.


After arrival to German Braunschweig all of us were a little bit shocked. What we had seen was something incomparable with luxury little field we had prepared by Milan at grounds of ČZU in Suchdol, Prague.
Field after arrival ...
Field after arrival ...
... and afterMilan's and Standa's adaptation
... and afterMilan's and Standa's adaptation
Due to plenty of weed you could hardly see any maize, and its small grow organizers "handled" by tons of green wooden sticks. In mean time where we tried to recover from the first shock, Milan and Standa took over, found some tools and within few minutes prepared new space for testing.
Before departure from Prague the maize leaves were quite well distinguishable, so camera was the best sensor. In Germany was camera on the other hand almost useless. The sticks were narrow and the color was rather to gray, so in order of magnitude much better results gave laser range finder.
And the weather? Nice on Friday, and rain (once a while heavy) on Saturday, day of the contest. The robots could happily enjoy the mud. On Sunday, the sun was back again …

Course of the contest and results

Robot Eduro Maxi HD drove quite nicely, and even it made several mistakes, it was supported by applause. On the other hand on the six-wheel UTrooper the committee just shake heads — the machine twisted like in the death cramp and without regular Standa's maintenance it would sure loose all wheels. It is a machine, which we would throw on head of the manufacturer and from highs if possible — it was really terrible :-(.
The beginning was quite full of adrenaline: few minutes before start was not sure if the robot should turn to the left or to the right at the end of the row. The organizers changed it several times, first team went the course twice, and the final decision was that everybody can choose. Well, in the program it was only difference if robot should get sequence -1,1,-1,1,… or 1,-1,1,-1,…, but the stress was surely unnecessary.
Eduro went nicely without touch, but on turning of 4th row did not handle well some larger chunk. Up to this place it was 45 meters without touch, but there was still enough time so judges convinced us to manual intervention and repeated start from the 4th row. We know that it takes 20s to start laser and that robot will enter wrong row at the end, but why not … at least it was a show for spectators . In the remaining time robot traveled next two lines and wrong turn was counted as second touch. In total something like 75-5-2 points (we do not know exact results yet).
The second task was more interesting. It started to rain so everybody began to pack their water sensitive robots (even our is not waterproof, as Explorer from last year was). Here it was quite clear what the robot should do at the end of row, so it was paradoxly more calm. We trained well passage to next rows as well as skipping one row, so at least the beginning of the route code was good for us. Good was also its repetition, because on the 3rd pass was robot manually stopped, but this time next command was the same as the first: turn to second row to the right .
Due to slow restart robot managed only turning and 1/3 of new row so total 50 meters with one touch so we guess 45 points.
The last task, detection and spraying of weed, was the most confusing. Even now we are not quite sure what we were supposed to demonstrate and for what were points and penalties. Moreover we shared the spraying device, so there was non-trivial service time necessary to unscrew it and complete the carrige. Finally, in the row was an obstacle, which should not be touched (some other team destroyed it so organizers probably did not insist on it, I do not know … we have not seen it in next rounds).
From the programmers point of view went Maxík beyond expectations. The shift between weed detection in the camera image and the moment when the spraying device should start was approximately 75cm. But in this time weed could be detected on the other side or another one in the same side. Shortly, at 12:30 organizers took our robots, and we had to blindly implement these "time delayed command" during speeches of ministers, sponsors and organizers. And without any test! And it could ruin even first two tasks … well, I would not like to do it again, the luck was on our side. Actually not completely. Robot with high precision detected center of weeds, and with tooting siren, blinking LEDs and spraying that you could see holes in the ground after passing the first row judge cried: "STOP, STOP, STOP". He said something that we are not supposed to spray the green squares without daisy and if we are able to change it. That time I consider him a fool, but now I think that we could try something like verification of white in place where we found the green patches. I could __maybe__ work. Oh well. It perfectly sprayed green squares but points probably were not good. From the log file we can read that the robot traveled without touch over five rows and sprayed maybe 100 times, but it was not appreciated. What makes me happy is that in this task scored UTrooper/Cogito MART.

Freestyle and robot cooperation

Eduro Team and Cogito MART participated also in freestyle and planned to demonstrate robot cooperation.
In freestyle was robot Eduro Maxi supposed to be connected to tracking unit VTU10 lent by company MapFactor. This device is usually used for tracking vehicles, but it has internal accumulator with sufficient capacity, so it can track also things like persons or parcels where power source is not available. VTU10 can besides current position also send short messages between driver and dispatcher. This feature we used for sending commands from mobile phone over tracking unit to robot. We could choose destination on satellite images and the coordinates were send to device. In the ideal case the robot could start within few seconds to entered goal (with possibility of regular tracking) and after reaching the goal the robot should report it by sending message.
I write it in conditional, because in time of presentation not everything was ready. The main problem was in misinterpretation of ID of messages, which should be unique over lifetime of the tracking units. This way it is possible to track also history of messages, if they were received etc. Our program for PDA generated the same ID for each run so the server refused to accept them. The demo now works and you may see it on RoboOrienteering contest in Rychnov nad Kněžnou/Czech Republic.
We had two devices VTU10. The second device was as backup and we wanted to use it for demo of robot cooperation. First robot tracking unit only carried (it could be actually even human with VTU10 in the pocket), but his position was tracked and sent do server. The second robot then was supposed to follow the first one without necessity to see it …
I would like to thank company MapFactor for lending two tracking units VTU10 and company T-Mobile, for lending three SIM cards with enabled data roaming in Germany.

Eduro Team


Eduro Maxi HD is the prototype of three-wheeled outdoor robot with a differential drive. It is the modular robotic platform for education, research and contests. It weights about 15 kg with the dimensions of 38x60x56 cm. HD version uses SMAC (Stepper Motor – Adaptive Control) drives with belt transmission. The power supply is managed by two Pb batteries 12V/8Ah. The brain of the robot is single board computer with AMD Geode CPU, 256 MB RAM, compact flash card, wi-fi, 3 Ethernet, 1 RS232 and 2 USB ports. The RS232 port is used for connection to CAN bus via RS232-CAN converter.
The most of sensors, actuators and other modules (display, beeper, power management etc.) are connected to CAN bus, which forms the backbone of the robot. The more data rate demanding sensors are connected directly to PC via ethernet interface. Two main sensors were used for the Field Robot Event. The weed detection was provided by an IP camera with fish-eye lens. For obstacle detection, the laser range finder SICK LMS100 was used. The robot is further equipped with sonar, GPS and compass, but these sensors were not used in main tasks during the Field Robot Event.
Hardware structure
Hardware structure

The sprayer

The robot carried spraying system on the back. The spraying system had been designed as model of a real agriculture machine and was shared with team Cogito MART. The sprayer is independent module with own battery and simple interface (3pin connector - ground, left, right). Besides spraying it blinks and beeps.
The sprayer
The sprayer


The main program is running on x86 single board computer with the operating system Linux and Xenomai real-time extension. The Xenomai is used for decreasing of serial port interrupt latency and improvement of communication reliability.
The low-level motor control is provided by microcontrollers in motor modules. The main computer only sends desired speed to the units via CAN bus.
The highlevel software is written in Python. It is using routines for image processing written in C/C++ with help of OpenCV library. It turned out that all three tasks could be unified in one code:
contest = FieldRobot( robot, verbose )
contest.ver2([-1,1]*10)               # Task1
contest.ver2([2,-1,2,-3,-4,0,2,4,-1]) # Task2
contest.ver2([1,-1]*10)               # Task3
Sharp spectator maybe noticed that in the second task (Advanced Task) robot sprayed something what looked like a weed .
The code is relatively compact and it has approx. 300 lines including logging, prints and sprayer specific routines.

Row navigation

The navigation in the row was originally handled by camera. The camera was much more successful on the grown maize test field in Prague when compared to laser scanner pointing down.
The camera row navigation was based on color segmentation (green/white), where green pixel was considered if in RGB color space G > 1.05*R && G > 1.0*B. The image was processed from dynamic center to left/right until sum of green pixels was above given threshold. For an example of row detection see figure:

Weed detection

For weed detection a similar algorithm was used. The only difference was definition of bright green: (G > 1.3*R && G > 1.3*B). The weed was detected in front of the robot so the spraying had to be delayed by time when robot travels approximately 75cm. The implementation used extra task queue with time offset.

Laser row navigation

In Braunschweig we used laser navigation instead of camera. The organizers decided to replenish missing maize with many approx. 30cm long green wooden sticks which were reliably detected via laser.
The sensor was originally pointing 10deg down for detection small maize, 15cm in Prague. This way it could see only to distance 1.7m, but we left it that way to eliminate loss of track on uneven terrain.
The input was 541 measurements with half degree step. A simple algorithm searched for center of row – as an obstacle was considered measurement shorter than 1m. Also for the end of row detection we used simple rule then the space opened wider than 85degrees on both sides.
Debugging of laser navigation algorithm slightly remained us of ASCII art from computer stone age:
RESET ROW (0.00, 0.00, 0.0)
=====  ACTION  1 =====
'    xx  xxxxxxxx   x x     C    xxx x xx  xx  x x       '
'    xx  xxxxxxxx   x x    C     xxx x xx  xx  xxx       '
'    x   xxxxxxxx   x x    C     xxx x xxx xx  x xx      '
'    x  xxxxxxxxx   xxx    C     xxx x  xx  x  x  x      '
'    x  xxxxxx xx  xxxx    C     xxx xx xx  xx    xx     '
'    x  xxxxxx x   x xx    C     xxx  x xxx  x  x xx     '
'   x   xxxxxxxx   x xx    C     xxx  x xxx  xxxx  x     '
'  xx  xxxxxxxx   x xxx    C     xxx  x   xx  x    xx    '
'  x   xxxxxxx   xx xx     C      xx  x    xx xx    x    '
' x   xxxxxxx    x xxx     C      xx   x       xx   x    '
'x   xxxxxxxx   x xxx      C     xxxx  x        xx   x   '
'   xxxxxxxxxx x  xxx     C      xxxx   x    xxx xx   x  '
'   xxxxxxxxxxx   xx      C      xxxx    x    xxx  x   x '
'  xxxxxxxxxxx    x      C       xx  x    x  xxxxx  xx xx'
OFF 7 7 14
' x xxxxxxxxx    xx  x   C        x   x     xxxxx    xx x'
' xxxxxxxxxx    xx  x      C    x x   xx    xxxx       x '
'  xxx xx xx   xx  xxx   C     xxxx    xx   xxxx       xx'
' xxx   xxx   x    x x   C     xxx x     x   xxxxx      x'
If you are interested what is what, than 'x' is obstacle within 5 degree interval, 'C' is shifting center where robot should go, and file names are reference images from camera.

Testing, testing, testing …

At the end I would stress what it is all about … it is about non-stop testing how far you proceed and how reliable the algorithms are. Are you saying that you do not have a maize field? It does not matter — have a look at "weed filed" adapted to navigation (Jirka and Honza, good work!).


We can recommend the Field Robot Event contest to anybody who is interested in robotics and who has anything common with agriculture. Yes, the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Department of Agricultural Machines perfectly matches this criteria . To create successful team is not easy (this year it was perfect!), so if you find this contest interesting and you are for example student of ČZU, let us know and we may take you on board for FRE2011. FRE2011 will be on 2nd July 2011 in Herning, Danmark.
And maybe a little curiosity at the end. Do you want to know ranking of Eduro Team in Professional Task? Eduro Team won Professional Task! There was a mistake in Excel sheet, so Optimizer got the price, which was supposed to be on 7th place. Besides similar details, I must admit that the contest is quite demanding to organize, and it was possible to see major improvements when compared to last year. Please keep it that way and thank you for a nice contest .

Eduro Maxi HD


The Team



The sprayer

Aerial photos by FernUniversität in Hagen


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